Logo Design San Jose CA


Decades of Design

Decades of Design

Logo Design in San Jose CA: An effective logo is the single most important element in creating a first impression & identity in your  consumer’s mind. Every company, organization, or club can benefit from a well designed, effective logo to help establishing your identity. This identity may also be a deciding factor for potential customers to use your product or services.
Let us help you create the design that uniquely identifies your product, service or company. Serious Imaging has over 20 years experience in the creative marketing industry. From humble beginnings as a start up shirt printing company, our passion for eye catching designs created advocates and a steady stream of referrals. Listening to the clients needs, from concept to finish yet keeping our artistic view is why Serious Imaging is the design company you want to do business with. We have started doing our own online marketing, #seriousimaging for more online samples or contact us today for your design or re-design project.